Exploring Lesson 8: Alcohol and Other Depressants

Lesson 8 Hero

Stanford Medicine, Safety First Links to an external site.

In this blog post, I want to talk about Lesson 8 from Stanford Medicine’s Safety First program. This lesson is all about alcohol and other depressants, which are substances that slow down our brains and bodies.

The lesson starts by explaining what depressants are and gives examples like alcohol, which many people are familiar with. It then talks about how alcohol affects us, like making us feel relaxed at first but also making it hard to think clearly or move properly. It can even lead to addiction if we’re not careful.

One thing I really liked about this lesson is that it’s easy to understand. The language used is simple, and they give examples that make sense to us. They also give tips on how to stay safe, like saying no to peer pressure or knowing when to ask for help.

However, I think there are ways to make this lesson even better. For one, it could use more pictures or videos to show us visually what they’re talking about. Seeing a diagram of how alcohol affects our brains, for example, would make it easier to remember.

Another thing is that while the lesson talks about the immediate effects of alcohol, like feeling drunk, it doesn’t talk much about what happens if someone keeps drinking a lot over time. It’s important for us to know both the short-term and long-term effects so we can make smart choices.

If I were teaching this lesson in my own classroom, I would add more visuals to make it more interesting. I might also include stories or real-life examples to make it easier for students to relate. And I would definitely talk more about the long-term effects of alcohol and depressants, so students have a complete picture.

To wrap up everything, lesson 8 of the Safety First program is a good start in teaching us and my students about alcohol and depressants. But by adding more visuals and talking about long-term effects, it could become even more helpful in guiding us to make safe and healthy choices.

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Halpern-Felsher REACH Lab. (n.d.). Safety First – Lesson 8. https://med.stanford.edu/halpern-felsher-reach-lab/preventions-interventions/Safety-First/safety-first-lesson-8.html

Stanford Medicine, Safety First Links to an external site.


One thought on “Exploring Lesson 8: Alcohol and Other Depressants”

  1. Hello Alyssa!

    I liked it when you highlighted the simplicity and clarity of the language used in the lesson, making complex topics more accessible to learners. Your idea about incorporating more visuals, such as diagrams or videos, to enhance understanding was creative and would indeed make the lesson more engaging. I also have a similar idea on how to incorporate graphs to make a lesson more impactful.

    I also have a few more suggestions to expand your thinking could include exploring the possibility of inviting guest speakers, such as recovering addicts or healthcare professionals, to share their experiences and insights. Additionally, integrating multimedia resources, such as podcasts or interactive simulations, could offer diverse learning experiences for students.

    Overall, I feel your reflection on the lesson from the Safety First program demonstrates a thoughtful approach to enhancing educational content in the classroom.

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